E hāpai ana I te tipu o ngā tamariki
Supporting the well-being of children

Literacy training, websites and resources
Aspiring to a 100% literate New Zealand, combining the art of teaching with the science of reading.
Learning Matters equip teachers and educators with the knowledge and practice to support their students with Structured Literacy using our trademarked iDeaL Approach.
Phonics International
Phonics International (PI) by Debbie Happlewhite is a highly-organised, systematic and yet flexible online synthetic phonics programme (program). Designed for all ages and needs and suitable for anyone who wants to learn to read and spell.
New Second Edition, foreword by Dr. Pamela Snow. A stand-alone resource for teaching children to read using Synthetic Phonics. Includes the entire Alphabetic Code, glossary, the Simple View of Reading, a History of Reading Instruction, and a Critique of Balanced Literacy.
Scarborough's Reading Rope. Platform where educators and parents can share ideas, resources and advice on how to support their children through the Science of Reading.
Here you will find information and ideas for teaching writing. Our methods are supported by the findings of empirical research, and have been tried and tested by hundreds of students - in real New Zealand classrooms.
Mahina Selby-Law provides akoranga (workshops) for those wanting to learn about teaching through a Hanganga Reo Matatini Approach. Rauemi are also designed and created to use teaching through this approach.
Emma Nahna is a literacy focused speech language therapist in the King Country developing teaching and learning resources, and work alongside schools and ECE centres to deliver professional learning with a mission support educators and parents to grow every child into a successful reader and writer. WEBSITE
Agility with Sound is Betsy Sewell's comprehensive, research-based programme that builds confident, capable readers and writers - a complete structured literacy programme for older struggling students, specifically students in Years 4 to 10. WEBSITE
The PISA-based Test for Schools provides school-level estimates of performance and information about the learning environment and students’ attitudes gathered from student questionnaires.
The Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) assess students' Mathematics, Listening Comprehension, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Vocabulary. PATs are a series of standardised tests developed specifically for use in New Zealand schools
Advocates for children around the globe with dyslexia. Nessy is an award winning, global educational company that specialises in early literacy. The company is led by reading and dyslexia specialists and follows the Science of Reading.
Report by Steen Videbeck: The New Zealand Initiative. Despite the challenges, there are many reasons to be optimistic. A revolution in the way literacy is taught in New Zealand schools is underway.
Evidence based research and the teaching of reading, spelling and writing. Liz Kane Literacy collaborates with a team of passionate educators and ambassadors across the country collectively supporting each classroom’s needs.
Facebook Group, Dr Olwyn Johnson. Older Struggling readers in New Zealand Primary Schools - using science and technology to close the gaps. With over 100 FREE systematic, explicit lesson plans.
Lyn Stone - using research, evidence and linguistics to produce programs, methods and texts for students, teachers and educators worldwide. Many FREE webinars for parents and teachers.
The International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction (IFERI) exists to raise awareness of the unacceptable variation in content, methodology and quality of teaching reading and writing in the English language around the world – whether English is the first or additional language.
Debbie Hepplewhite phonics website is for anyone involved in some way in teaching or supporting foundational literacy in the English language. Debbie Hepplewhite MBE FRSA is internationally renowned as a leading phonics teacher trainer/consultant and author. FREE alphabet code charts here
The Write Lesson is a New Zealand company which aims to support teachers with their writing programmes. We are passionate about using evidence-based research to guide teaching practice and raise literacy achievement.