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About Us  

Tui Trust is a Waikato based charity founded in 2003 by Tania Simpson, retired Director of Kōwhai Consulting Ltd. We aim to interrupt the inter-generational cycle of disadvantage ensuring all children have access to quality education and opportunities.


Tui Trust Governed by the Board of Trustees and supported by Board Associates. We have financial, cultural and education advisors, volunteers and the Trust has a Board Executive who manages daily operations and project management. To view our Statement of Intent please click here


Our Services
for a full description of services see our work

Access to quality education


An intervention project supporting initiatives by removing barriers that prevent tamariki accessing quality education

We support:

  • Tamariki Sponsorship - contribute to the cost of a child's education including i.e. specialist diagnostic referrals and assessments, glasses, hearing aids, books, connectivity and devices, chromebooks, specialist learning memberships.

  • Improving Literacy - contribute to the cost of initiatives that ensures a child's specialist and/or learning difference needs are met for children struggling with literacy. We can help connect children with specialist tutors or teachers who teach structured, explicit and systematic teaching of all important components of literacy. To ensure children are being taught in a way that works for them this may include 'The Science of Reading' training or upskilling for teachers, teacher aides, tutors, parents, whānau and caregivers or whomever is supporting the child. Refer resources page.

  • Wrap-around whānau providing holistic support with the goal to improve educational and life outcomes for each child. There will be attention given to tamariki with developmental, neurological learning differences  i.e. dyxlesia.

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